Recent Blog Posts

NuTrail Keto Nut Granola

NuTrail Keto Nut Granola

Is NuTrail Keto Nut Granola a good replacement for those who miss cereal?

Several years ago my doctor diagnosed me with pre-diabetes with insulin resistance. At first, I didn’t take it very seriously and continued with the carb binges. I don’t even want to think about how many carbs I was consuming on a daily basis. Of course, along with the carbs came the high spikes and low crashes in blood sugar. I remember just wanting to nap every day after lunch. Finally my doctor told me that if I didn’t start taking it seriously, I was a prime candidate for heart attack and stroke and that insulin resistance and blood sugar issues were a common factor that they see in people who die from those issues....

February 5, 2023 · 4 min · 678 words · by Bradley Harr
Left Behind Movie Poster

Left Behind: The Rise of the Anti-Christ

A review of the new version of the Left Behind movie from Kevin Sorbo

I wanted to talk briefly about the new movie from Kevin Sorbo “Left Behind: The Rise of the Anti-Christ”. First, let me say that Kevin and his team did a great job with recreating this movie. They brought it up to speed with modern times and, if you listen closely, you may find that you hear a few references to current events and things that have happened over the past few years....

February 2, 2023 · 4 min · 735 words · by Bradley Harr
Hillbilly Pit Pie

Hillbilly Pit Pie

An amazing Pulled Pork Barbecue Pizza recipe that is a must try!

Let me introduce you to the Hillbilly Pit Pie… That’s right, one of the best specialty pizzas I’ve ever put in my mouth. This pizza is on the menu of one of our local pizza parlors in Elizabethton, TN called Jiggy Ray’s Pizzeria. If you’ve never been to Jiggy Ray’s and are local or traveling through the area, it is definitely worth a visit. Not only do they have the Hillbilly Pit Pie, but they have a salad bar, other varieties of pizza, and more great food!...

April 2, 2022 · 3 min · 470 words · by Bradley Harr
Cheesy Chicken and Tomato

Cheesy Chicken and Tomato

Amazingly simple Cheesy Chicken and Tomato Dish!

One day recently I was shamefully scrolling mindlessly through Facebook, as we all sometimes do. Don’t lie, you know you do it. Anyway, I came across one of those short videos that shows you how to make a dinner recipe idea and this one looked delicious so I thought, what the heck, let’s give it a go. It’s a very simple dish comprised of chicken, a glaze, cheese, and tomato. Very simple, quick, and easy to make....

April 1, 2022 · 2 min · 280 words · by Bradley Harr
The Cranberries

The tragic Death of Dolores O’Riordan

The tragic story of the death of the beloved lead singer of the Irish Rock band, The Cranberries.

On January 15th, 2018, the world was shocked to learn of the untimely death of Dolores O’Riordan. Dolores was the lead singer of the popular 90’s Irish Rock band, The Cranberries. Her lead vocals were unmistakable with her raw sound and Irish accent, making the band’s sound so unique. They rose to fame in what seemed like overnight success; although, Dolores would have told you differently. I saw an interview where she talked about traveling around Ireland in a van playing small clubs to sometimes only six people who were more interested in their beer than the band....

April 1, 2022 · 5 min · 923 words · by Bradley Harr
Jack Hibbs Podcast

Jack Hibbs Podcast

A new Podcast from Calvary Chapel Chino Hills Senior Pastor, Jack Hibbs.

During the pandemic, my wife and I were in search of an online church to attend on Sunday mornings. What we were looking for and desiring was to be taught the Bible directly and completely from a Pastor who wasn’t afraid to teach the hard parts and the parts that some would deem controversial. The bottom line is, God said it, I believe it, and God’s Word never changes. God does NOT change with the times as some would have you believe....

March 28, 2022 · 3 min · 444 words · by Bradley Harr
Homemade French Fries

Homemade French Fries

Quick and easy recipe for delicious and crispy Air Fried French Fries!

One of my favorite foods is potatoes. Any style, any way you want to make them. I could eat them for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I love potatoes! However, given their starch and carb count, I have to be careful how many I eat, especially at one time. Too many potatoes in a single sitting and I won’t be “sitting” long. I’ll be passed out somewhere in a sugar coma!...

March 27, 2022 · 3 min · 509 words · by Bradley Harr
Perfect Pizza Dough

Quick & Easy Perfect Pizza Dough

The best homemade pizza dough recipe ever! It’s so versatile, you can even make cheese bread-sticks and desserts with it!

My wife and I have to stick to a low sugar, low carb diet. This, of course, makes it difficult to have one of our favorite things… Pizza! I decided that the only way we would be able really enjoy pizza would be if we made it at home. I had tried different things for making low carb pizza at home previously, but nothing really tasted right. Then I ran across this dough recipe and I was sold....

March 24, 2022 · 4 min · 763 words · by Bradley Harr
Corrie Ten Boom Museum

Corrie Ten Boom: Unwavering Faith

The heroic story of Corrie Ten Boom and her family and their brave determination to care for others and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

I recently ran across a documentary on Amazon Prime called “Corrie Ten Boom: A Faith Undefeated (2013)” and thought it looked interesting so I decided to watch it and it turned out to be a very interesting story of a hero who was full of faith in Christ until the day she died. I’ll share some of what I learned with you here, but if you like what you are reading, I recommend you check out this documentary....

March 15, 2022 · 8 min · 1539 words · by Bradley Harr
Stone Steps

The Stones Cry Out

A blog post review of the main points from Charlie Campbell’s sermon on archaeological findings that prove what the Bible says to be true.

On March 9th, 2022, Calvary Chapel Chino Hills had a guest speaker who shared with the congregation a message on archaeological findings proving what the Bible says can be trusted as truth. Charlie Campbell is the author and founder of ABR Apologetics Ministry ( and the author of the book, “Archaeological Evidence for the Bible“. Charlie has a wealth of knowledge on this topic and some very compelling evidence for the validity of what the Bible teaches....

March 15, 2022 · 11 min · 2265 words · by Bradley Harr